Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hey guys it's Josh...We spent the day exploring more of the German countryside, more specifically the Dachau concentration camp which was an eye opener. I have heard stories of the Holocaust, and have even been to two different Holocaust museums, but had no idea what I was in for. I could only imagine the horrible things that had gone on in the large compound, which was now partially refurbished and full of tourists. The electrified fences and seven machine gun towers forced you to imagine what life was like for these prisoners, especially given the fact that many chose the certainty of being shot to avoid the slow death that was imminent. My heart sank even further when I arrived at the two crematoriums (the SS built a second larger oven as the first one was not devouring bodies fast enough). The small brick mouths of these ovens could only give a gentle idea of what it would have been like watch as thousands of people were sent off into flames as if they were not even humans. Fortunately, I was able to drive today through the amazing Bavarian fields and back roads to ease my mind of the horrors of of the evil Dachau.

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